Lot's of Rain Can Lead to Mold
9/26/2018 (Permalink)

We continue to have a lot of rain, with no end in sight! We hope all of you are doing well despite all of this water. This is great for our lawns and for helping recover from our recent drought, but water is one of Mother Nature's most destructive forces!
While you may not see any signs of water damage at your home or office, you may still have water or mold issues that you cannot see. Often times, mold and water damage can be hidden in places that are hard to see.
For example, a roof leak may only show a few drops on your ceiling, but it is actually spreading water around your attic or causing mold on your roof trusses. A little bit of water that seeps under the garage door can seem like no big deal, but the water has actually gotten into the walls, soaked into the sheet rock, and/or damaged your baseboards.
These and other water related issues can lead to mold. Sometimes you can see it, and sometimes you can't. Either way, it is still a problem that needs to be dealt with.
If you, your co-workers or loved ones start having headaches, stuffed/runny noses or symptoms that feel like allergies but you haven't had allergies in the past then you may have water or mold issues.
The professionals at SERVPRO are thoroughly trained on mold remediation and removal. We use state-of-the-art methods and machinery that is environmentally friendly and pet safe. Regardless of the type of mold you encounter or the size of your mold problem, our team will handle it quickly and effectively.
Remember, our team of mold remediation professionals is available 24/7 365 to help. Why not get some piece of mind and let our team do a free visual mold inspection at your home or office?
Call today and get the peace of mind you deserve.